16 February 2013

The Importance Of Love

For many thousands of years we have been living in and creating a World that is based in the masculine energies of power, drive, focus and physical needs (lower Chakras).  The Earth is currently moving through a phase of changing its own vibration and is integrating more feminine energy which focuses on unconditional love, nurturing, compassion and spiritual needs (higher Chakras).  This is a time when humanity (both men and women) needs to begin to open its heart and allow these feminine energies to integrate into their bodies, bringing about more balance with the masculine energies that have taken control in the past.

The world that we live in at this time is focused so much on our physical needs that we have largely forgotten about our spiritual needs.  Our masculine energy has taken over, allowing us to believe that our physical world is the most important thing in our lives.  We have become competitive and continuously feel the need to acquire more and more to make ourselves feel good. Feeding our physical ‘wants’ has become a way of life for a lot of people.  The barometer we judge success by has become how wealthy we are, or how powerful we are.  These are all masculine based energies.

As the more feminine based energies download on to the planet, they are changing the vibration.  Whether you notice it or not, this will have an effect on you.  For some people these changes can be quite difficult as they are truly rooted in their masculine energies and are finding the shift very hard to deal with.  Other people who are more balanced in their feminine and masculine energies are finding the transition easier.  For people who are actively bringing a balance of energy into their life, this transition will become easier and easier as they embrace these energies and open their heart.

So what does opening your heart really mean?  The heart is your centre of anything connected to love.  Your Heart Chakra is where you hold all your energy that relates to compassion, unconditional love, peace etc (all feminine based energies).  So at this time of transition, it is very important on an energetic level for you to be able to open your heart to these changes.

In order to really integrate these energies into your body it is necessary to have cleared, balanced and activated your lower Chakras and then to begin the process of working with your higher Chakras.  

Self love is one of the most important aspects to nurture at this time.  Be kind to your Self, work within and find a deep love of the True you.

Love & Light
Fiona ♥

15 February 2013

Your Shadow Self

                                                  Art by Ruth Clotworthy                                            

Your Shadow Self is the part of your unconscious mind where you accumulate everything that you do not accept about yourself.  All your own feelings of anger, jealousy, fear, repressed weaknesses and shortcomings etc are suppressed and pushed down, deep into the depths of your psyche where you think no-one will see them.  Your Shadow Self holds everything that you perceive as not being acceptable to reveal to those closest to you, and the more you suppress or hide it, the blacker and denser it becomes.

You feel that in order to be accepted by others or to feel good about yourself, you must reject these shadow aspects that you hold.  Unfortunately your Shadow Self is also a part of you that needs to be heard, and if you do not give it the attention it desires, it will reveal itself – often coming out of left field when you are least expecting it.  When this happens you realise that no matter how far along the path of lifting your vibration you are, you still have to address your Shadow Aspects. There is no need to fear your Shadow Self.  It is simply another part of you that needs attention in order for you to clear blockages in your psyche and allow you to lift your vibration.  Whenever your Shadow Self appears, it brings with it an opportunity to learn and integrate its teachings for your personal expansion and growth.

Your Shadow Self will, more often than not, reveal itself when everything in your life seems to be running quite smoothly and then all of a sudden it will take a turn for the worse.  Sometimes it is difficult to understand why this happens because you feel that you are doing everything right to create the life you want.  But your Shadow resides in the unconscious part of your mind which does not accept these negative aspects of yourself.  You have not been taught how to deal with negative feelings about yourself in a healthy way, so you hide them deep within yourself, disconnecting them from your conscious mind.

This can create an unwillingness to look inside yourself in an honest way, because you realise that at some point you are going to have to face your Shadow Self.  Everyone holds a Shadow Self, and the only way to heal it is to bring it into your consciousness and to stop rejecting it.  When you allow it to be heard and accept it as part of yourself, you create a wholeness within you that accelerates your healing. 

The Ego Self and Shadow Self are very closely connected.  The Ego Self wants to create feelings of separation within you and will also deny that you have a Shadow Self because it recognises that if you integrate your Shadow you will also ultimately integrate your Ego Self.  It may be hard for you to recognise and connect to your Shadow Self if you are deeply influenced by your Ego mind.  But to heal your Shadow Self you need to embrace the negative feelings that you have suppressed, and accept this side of yourself.  In this acceptance of Self, the feelings are no longer kept in the shadows, but are bought out into the light to be healed. 

Love & Light Fiona♥

Taken from Lifting Your Vibration Ecourse available here: http://www.innervisionbalance.com/courses--workshops.html