25 March 2013

Sacral/Navel Chakra

The Sacral/Navel Chakra
Activating Colour: Orange
Element: Water
Location: Between Root Chakra & Belly Button
Aspect: “I Feel”

The Sacral Chakra is also known as the Navel Chakra and is the second of the seven main Chakras.  It is situated between the Root Chakra and the belly button and is associated with the colour orange and the element of water.  The main function of the Sacral Chakra is to process your emotions.  If your Root Chakra (fears) is blocked or depleted then your Sacral Chakra (emotions) will be unable to function properly. 

Positive aspects of a balanced Sacral Chakra: An ability to express your emotions in a healthy way, creative flow, an ability to create healthy boundaries for yourself, a healthy sex life, desire, fertility, allowing yourself to experience pleasure, an openness to change and allowing a nurturing of yourself and others.

The Sacral Chakra starts to develop at 6 months of age continuing until around age 2, and is also associated with the 7 year cycle of ages 8 – 14 years.  It is during these formative years as puberty develops that you are under the overall influence of your Sacral Chakra.  This is when you become aware of your own sexuality and begin to explore your creative side, starting to become more independent, breaking away from the influence of your parents. If your Sacral Chakra develops fully and is not blocked or depleted during this time you are able to feel and express your emotions in a healthy way and you can enjoy activities that bring you pleasure without feeling guilty.  Unfortunately the reality is that at this age you are often taught to suppress your emotions.  You are told that you are too old to behave in an emotional way or too young to be thinking about sex and so this is often where guilt sets in because you are unable to express emotionally, the natural process your body is going through.  This is where emotional imbalance usually begins and starts the process of a disconnection to your feelings, starving your body of the emotional release it needs.  You can begin to look for other ways to “feed” your body through food, drugs or alcohol.

Negative aspects of an unbalanced Sacral Chakra: Guilt, sexual problems, obsession, criticism of others, jealousy, self harm, an overindulgence in food, drugs or alcohol, setting poor boundaries for yourself, an inability to receive love, lack of desire, an insensitivity to the feelings of others.

When you are working with your Sacral Chakra it is necessary to understand the importance of your own sexual energy and how that should be felt in a healthy way in your body.  If you have been lucky enough to grow up with parents that have allowed you to explore your sexuality and creative side in a healthy and supported way, then your Sacral Chakra will have developed fully.  However you are also heavily influenced by the world you live in today and the many distortions around sexuality that are created by the media, large corporations and different religious beliefs.

Some religious organisations actively promote shame around sex creating a denial of their own sexuality in some people.  Large corporations use sexy images and slogans to increase their sales – “Sex Sells” has been the mantra of many marketing executives.  And the media constantly sensationalises sex, promoting the image of sex instead of the intimacy.  In these influential ways you can become very confused about your own sexuality and begin to take on a distorted view of what sex is.  This in turn can create all kinds of perversions and addictions within our society.
It is important in your journey of lifting your vibration to reconnect to the intimate side of yourself that allows you to feel your sexuality in a healthy and balanced way.  To understand fully that your sexual energy is an important life force that needs to flow freely through your body to release blocks and reconnect you to your emotional body.

Physical symptoms of an unbalanced Sacral Chakra: Low libido, gynaecological problems, pelvic pain, urinary problems.

The areas of the physical body that are associated with the Sacral Chakra are: Lyden gland, ovaries, bladder, kidneys, bowel, lower back, sacrum, womb, large intestines, bodily fluids.

Possible causes of problems in the Sacral Chakra: Extreme religious beliefs in formative years, sexual or emotional abuse, addiction, neglect, inner child wounding.

Emotional healing is the overriding aspect of this Chakra. It brings together the physical and the emotional - releasing creativity, art, the appreciation of beauty and a sense of feelings and actions working together.  You will need to begin a process of embracing your emotions without fear, healing past wounding around your feelings and enhancing your feelings of intimacy.

When you actively start working with your Sacral Chakra old emotional aspects of yourself that you have suppressed for many years will begin to surface to be healed and released.  It is important that you do not fear these emotions, rather embrace them as part of your healing process.  For many people it is the fear of releasing these emotions that keeps them stuck in the same old patterns.  It is time for you to take responsibility for your own healing and to overcome any fears you may have around these emotional releases.  Understand that if you want to move forward this is part of the process, it will lighten your load, releasing negative energy that you no longer need allowing positive new energy to fill your body.

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