16 April 2013

Your Thoughts & How They Create Your Reality

Artist: Android Jones

Your Thoughts And How They Create Your Reality

In order to manifest the life you want and to lift your vibration, it is very important to understand the power you hold with your thoughts and how everything that you have thought in the past has created the life you have now.  Everything is energy including your thoughts.  When you focus your thoughts in a certain direction, in a repetitive way they become your reality.  In other words you create what you are thinking about.  Imagine for a second that you are out with your friends, as you enjoy the conversation that is flowing you have thoughts about everything that is said, or everything that you see.  Imagine now that as you have those thoughts and they float out of your mind, they are written in large black letters for all to see.  Would you be more careful about what you were thinking?  You can relate this to any situation you are in.  The reality is that you would be much more diligent about checking your thoughts if you knew other people could see them.  Because they are not visible it is easy to think that they have no power, but in fact the opposite is true.  Your thoughts, feelings and beliefs are extremely powerful.

To start lifting your vibration you need to start changing any negative thought patterns that you currently have.  Every thought you have from now on plays its part in what you are currently creating for your future.  Do you like the future you currently see, or would you rather change it for a different one?  If you are very good at having a positive thought process that creates what you want in life, then keep doing whatever you are doing.  But if you are not manifesting what you want in your life, you need to change your thought process from now on.

Most people are unfortunately creating circumstances in their lives that they don’t want because they are totally unaware that their thoughts, beliefs and repeat patterning processes are creating their realities.  The Universe will always support you in whatever you want to create for yourself, but it does not distinguish between negative and positive thinking.  So if you are thinking in a negative way, that is what the Universe will reflect back to you.  

Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can’t - you are right” – Henry Ford.

So now is the time to decide not to be victim of your thoughts.  You can choose to change your negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.  You can embrace this amazing power you have and use it to become more aligned with your soul self – your true self.

Now of course this is not an easy process and will take time for you to change a pattern that you may have been following for most of your life, but it can be changed.  The important thing is to be gentle with yourself, accept that you will not change overnight; but that this is your journey and you are taking the first steps necessary to change.  Do not beat yourself up if you find yourself thinking negatively about something, rather check the thought and look at where it came from.  Accept that it was there and let it go.  You also need to make sure that you are aligned in a positive way on all levels.  So make sure that your thoughts, feelings, desires and actions are all aligned to the same outcome you desire.  It is no good changing your thoughts about something, but then acting in a negative way about the same thing.

Try this exercise for one day and it will help you to change any negative thought patterning that you are currently creating in your life

  • Choose one day when you can keep your journal with you all day.  So if this is hard to do at work then choose a day off or a day on the weekend.  As you go about your day keep a check on your thoughts and write down every negative thought that you have, leaving space after each one.
  • In the evening look at each of the negative thoughts you had.  You can only change these thoughts if you are aware of them.  Some of them may surprise you, or you may realise that “yes I think that a lot”.
  • Take each negative thought and write next to it a positive thought that balances it out in your mind.  Notice whether you are replaying certain scenarios in your mind.  Notice any patterns that you are re-living again and again.  Recognising the negative thought process that you go through is an important part of being able to stop it happening in the future.
  • You should only need to do this once to begin the process of checking your thoughts.  Writing them down brings them into your physical consciousness so that you begin the process of changing them.
  • During the following days begin to get into the habit of checking your thoughts and becoming aware of any negative ones.  When you notice negativity, recognise it and look at where it is coming from.  Is it fear based?  Is from a past experience you’ve had?  Do you even know where the negativity comes from?  Ask any question around understanding why you have a negative thought about something.  Understanding where it is coming from helps to stop it happening again. 
  • Once you have recognised it as a negative thought and worked out why it came into your mind replace it with a positive thought.
  • This exercise takes time and practice, so be gentle with yourself.  If you forget to check your thoughts and then suddenly find yourself thinking in a negative way, be glad that you realised you were doing it, not angry with yourself for forgetting to do it.
Taken from Lifting Your Vibration Ecourse available at http://www.innervisionbalance.com/courses--workshops.html


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