30 March 2013

Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra
Activating Colour: Yellow
Element: Fire
Location: Above The Navel & Below The Ribcage
Aspect: “I Will”

The Solar Plexus Chakra is the third of the seven main Chakras.  It is situated between the belly button and the bottom of the rib cage and is associated with the colour yellow and the element of fire.  The Solar Plexus Chakra is linked to your will power and ego.  As we begin to create the life of our dreams (Root Chakra), through balancing of our emotions (Sacral Chakra) we move forward in an empowered way (Solar Plexus Chakra).

The Solar Plexus Chakra is the energy centre that we can physically ‘feel’ more than any of the others.  You can feel this Chakra when you have a gut feeling about something.  If you place your hand over it you can feel a knot there if you are upset or stressed in any way.  It is your centre of gravity and strength.

Positive aspects of a balanced Solar Plexus Chakra: You have a healthy Personal Power Centre, and have an ability to manifest your needs. Your self esteem is healthy, and you are able to set your boundaries and speak your own truth.  You display confidence without being domineering, show responsibility and intelligence and you are assertive in your leadership.

The Solar Plexus Chakra starts to develop at 18 months of age continuing until around age 4, and is also associated with the 7 year cycle of ages 15-21 years.  It is during these years that you really begin to develop your personality and feelings.  You start school and move away from the constant influence of your own family and begin interacting with other influences in your life such as teachers, friends and your friends’ family’s.  As you grow through the younger years into adolescence you become increasingly aware of how different you are to your parents, driving you to find your own sense of identity within the family.

If you were lucky enough to have parents that were connected to their own power centres, and loved, protected and encouraged you in your development, you will probably have a well balanced Solar Plexus Chakra.  However if your parents gave their own power away and were fearful, angry or felt like victims in society, it is likely your Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked or unbalanced.

Negative aspects of an unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra: You will suffer from low self esteem and may have an oversensitivity to criticism.  You may be overbearing, domineering or arrogant.  You may also feel powerless in situations and are happy to turn decisions over to others instead of taking responsibility for them yourself.  You will suffer from energy depletion and may be reliant on the use of sedatives or stimulants. Depression is also a key physical symptom when this Chakra is unbalanced.

When your Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked or unbalanced, your ego takes control.  If your Root and Sacral Chakras are unbalanced as well this will create aggressive behaviours within your psyche.  You can become domineering and need to control those around you.  If you can expand this outwards and think of it on a global scale, it is easy to understand how humanity has created so much greed and war within the world.  So many people at this time have unbalanced Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras that living in times of war or greed has become accepted as ‘normal’ as we suppress our connection to our True Selves and take on these lower vibrational energies.

To be able to move forward on your journey of lifting your vibration it is necessary to not only balance your Root and Sacral Chakras, but to also clear your Solar Plexus Chakra.  By working on your Personal Power Centre and creating a strong connection to your True Self, you will continue forward on this journey.

Physical symptoms of an unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra: Adrenal imbalances, digestive disorders, stomach ulcers, diabetes, arthritis, liver and gall bladder problems, chronic fatigue syndrome.

The areas of the physical body that are associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra are: adrenal glands, liver, spleen, gall bladder, small intestines, stomach, pancreas.

Possible causes of problems in the Solar Plexus Chakra: Domineering relationships, physical and emotional abuse, authoritarianism.

Inner Strength is the overriding aspect of this Chakra.  Reconnecting to your intuition and inner guidance and a quietening of your mind is required to move forward.  When you begin the process of noticing how your Ego Self takes control of any situation that comes up in your life, and then take the necessary action to stop those thoughts controlling the outcome, you will begin to change any repeat patterning processes you have been experiencing.  Then you begin to allow a connection to your True Self, and let your inner guidance come through.  You will begin to make the choices in your life that are right for you, that will ultimately lead you to the life that you want to create for yourself.  You will be standing in your own power, manifesting your true wishes and will feel calm, peaceful, happy and clear about your life.

Blessings Fiona

25 March 2013

Sacral/Navel Chakra

The Sacral/Navel Chakra
Activating Colour: Orange
Element: Water
Location: Between Root Chakra & Belly Button
Aspect: “I Feel”

The Sacral Chakra is also known as the Navel Chakra and is the second of the seven main Chakras.  It is situated between the Root Chakra and the belly button and is associated with the colour orange and the element of water.  The main function of the Sacral Chakra is to process your emotions.  If your Root Chakra (fears) is blocked or depleted then your Sacral Chakra (emotions) will be unable to function properly. 

Positive aspects of a balanced Sacral Chakra: An ability to express your emotions in a healthy way, creative flow, an ability to create healthy boundaries for yourself, a healthy sex life, desire, fertility, allowing yourself to experience pleasure, an openness to change and allowing a nurturing of yourself and others.

The Sacral Chakra starts to develop at 6 months of age continuing until around age 2, and is also associated with the 7 year cycle of ages 8 – 14 years.  It is during these formative years as puberty develops that you are under the overall influence of your Sacral Chakra.  This is when you become aware of your own sexuality and begin to explore your creative side, starting to become more independent, breaking away from the influence of your parents. If your Sacral Chakra develops fully and is not blocked or depleted during this time you are able to feel and express your emotions in a healthy way and you can enjoy activities that bring you pleasure without feeling guilty.  Unfortunately the reality is that at this age you are often taught to suppress your emotions.  You are told that you are too old to behave in an emotional way or too young to be thinking about sex and so this is often where guilt sets in because you are unable to express emotionally, the natural process your body is going through.  This is where emotional imbalance usually begins and starts the process of a disconnection to your feelings, starving your body of the emotional release it needs.  You can begin to look for other ways to “feed” your body through food, drugs or alcohol.

Negative aspects of an unbalanced Sacral Chakra: Guilt, sexual problems, obsession, criticism of others, jealousy, self harm, an overindulgence in food, drugs or alcohol, setting poor boundaries for yourself, an inability to receive love, lack of desire, an insensitivity to the feelings of others.

When you are working with your Sacral Chakra it is necessary to understand the importance of your own sexual energy and how that should be felt in a healthy way in your body.  If you have been lucky enough to grow up with parents that have allowed you to explore your sexuality and creative side in a healthy and supported way, then your Sacral Chakra will have developed fully.  However you are also heavily influenced by the world you live in today and the many distortions around sexuality that are created by the media, large corporations and different religious beliefs.

Some religious organisations actively promote shame around sex creating a denial of their own sexuality in some people.  Large corporations use sexy images and slogans to increase their sales – “Sex Sells” has been the mantra of many marketing executives.  And the media constantly sensationalises sex, promoting the image of sex instead of the intimacy.  In these influential ways you can become very confused about your own sexuality and begin to take on a distorted view of what sex is.  This in turn can create all kinds of perversions and addictions within our society.
It is important in your journey of lifting your vibration to reconnect to the intimate side of yourself that allows you to feel your sexuality in a healthy and balanced way.  To understand fully that your sexual energy is an important life force that needs to flow freely through your body to release blocks and reconnect you to your emotional body.

Physical symptoms of an unbalanced Sacral Chakra: Low libido, gynaecological problems, pelvic pain, urinary problems.

The areas of the physical body that are associated with the Sacral Chakra are: Lyden gland, ovaries, bladder, kidneys, bowel, lower back, sacrum, womb, large intestines, bodily fluids.

Possible causes of problems in the Sacral Chakra: Extreme religious beliefs in formative years, sexual or emotional abuse, addiction, neglect, inner child wounding.

Emotional healing is the overriding aspect of this Chakra. It brings together the physical and the emotional - releasing creativity, art, the appreciation of beauty and a sense of feelings and actions working together.  You will need to begin a process of embracing your emotions without fear, healing past wounding around your feelings and enhancing your feelings of intimacy.

When you actively start working with your Sacral Chakra old emotional aspects of yourself that you have suppressed for many years will begin to surface to be healed and released.  It is important that you do not fear these emotions, rather embrace them as part of your healing process.  For many people it is the fear of releasing these emotions that keeps them stuck in the same old patterns.  It is time for you to take responsibility for your own healing and to overcome any fears you may have around these emotional releases.  Understand that if you want to move forward this is part of the process, it will lighten your load, releasing negative energy that you no longer need allowing positive new energy to fill your body.

10 March 2013

The Root/Base Chakra

The Root/Base Chakra
Activating Colour: Red
Element: Earth
Location: Base Of Spine, Groin
Aspect: “I Am”.

The Root Chakra is also known as the Base Chakra and is the first of the seven main Chakras.  It is situated at the base of the spine and is associated with the colour red and the element of Earth.  This is a very important Chakra because it channels energy upwards through the feet and legs and creates the foundation for all the other Chakras.  It is also associated with the physical body and its main function is to ‘ground’ us to the energy of the Earth, allowing us to feel stable and secure within ourselves. In order to build a strong foundation for lifting your vibration it is very important to have a balanced Root Chakra. Our relationship with our Mothers is also associated with our Root Chakra.  If we had a poor relationship with our Mother, or we did not bond sufficiently with her for our needs as a baby or child, we can often feel cut off from our roots.  This will affect all areas of our life as we grow and develop and is particularly damaging for our physical life, and our attitudes toward home, security and money will be negatively influenced.

Positive aspects of a balanced Root Chakra: You are stable and secure in your own ability to manifest what you need in life such as money and a happy family environment.  You do not give your power away by expecting others to take care of you. You can create drive, ambition and change when needed, and are happy, comfortable with your sexuality, confident and connected to nature.

The Root Chakra begins to develop in the womb and continues developing until around 1 year of age.  There are also 7 year cycles linked to the energies of each Chakra, so from birth to 7 years of age is an important development stage for your Root Chakra.  If you were lucky enough to have been raised in a loving, nurturing and stable environment your Root Chakra will probably have developed fully, giving you a strong foundation for the development of the rest of your Chakras. 

Unfortunately at this time it is more common for people to have unbalanced or blocked Root Chakras.  There can be a lot of inner child wounding held here which causes depletion in the energy flow through the Root Chakra.  This in turn will prevent the Root Chakra from developing fully, creating unstable foundations which will not be strong enough to support the growth of the other six Chakras, therefore it needs healing and releasing.  So at a very early age you begin to build the energetic foundations for your thoughts, feelings and what you will create in your life.

Negative aspects of an unbalanced Root Chakra: You feel insecure in yourself and in your surroundings.  You will not have faith in your own personal manifesting abilities and will have issues surrounding money either with greed or an inability to provide for your basic needs.  You may have low self esteem, feel depressed or fearful about life and may display addictive qualities or suffer from a victim mentality.  You will have an inability to stay grounded and will often feel disconnected from what is going on around you.

Physical symptoms of an unbalanced Root Chakra: Weight problems including over or under weight, constipation, haemorrhoids, lower back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, knee problems, bone disorders.

The areas of the physical body that are associated with the Root Chakra are: gonads, testes, prostate, rectum, blood, colon, joints, feet, legs, bones, teeth, nails.

Possible causes of problems in the Root Chakra: A difficult upbringing, physical abuse, abandonment issues, a fear of the environment you live in, insufficient maternal bonding.

Overcoming fear is the overriding aspect of this Chakra.  It is easy to be heavily influenced by what is going on in the world around you and to take on the inappropriate levels of fear that are created by the media, governments, and various religions. Through newspapers, magazines, television programmes and radio you are subjected to a constant stream of negative thoughts around fear of people with different beliefs, fear of viral outbreaks, fear of nuclear threats or outbreaks of war, fear of failing economies etc etc.  This keeps fear alive in your belief system which makes it very difficult for your Root Chakra to function properly and creates a feeling of separation from all around you.  “The images that you ‘eat’ are as important as the food that you eat” – Marion Woodman.

Once you can acknowledge what your fears are and work through them, any blocks in your Root Chakra will be released, clearing the way for new energy to flow up from the Earth and on to your other Chakras.