29 April 2013

Third Eye Chakra

Artist Julie Frost - Chakra Doodles

The Third Eye/Brow Chakra
Activating Colour: Indigo
Element: Spirit
Location: Between Eyes/Brow
Aspect: “I See”

The Third Eye Chakra is also commonly known as the Brow Chakra and is the sixth of the seven main Chakras.  It is situated between your eyes in the centre of your forehead and is associated with the colour indigo and the element of spirit – the metaphysical or beyond the physical.  The Third Eye Chakra is associated with the energies of clear seeing and discernment.  Once the energies of your Throat Chakra have been cleared, you will have created space for energy to flow up into your Brow Chakra.

Positive aspects of a balanced Third Eye Chakra: You have enhanced intellectual and psychic abilities such as spiritual awareness, psychic perception, clairvoyance, mindfulness, intuition, imagination and clarity. Through your ability to consciously travel into the higher dimensions your ability to visualise and manifest is heightened. You display an inner knowingness and can tune in to your multidimensional sensory system, higher psychic senses and sixth sense.

The Third Eye Chakra starts to develop during puberty and is also associated with the seven year cycle of ages 36-42 years.  These are the stages in life where you are learning to live in harmony with your expanded Self and also with others.  You begin to realise that your True Self is multidimensional and doesn’t just exist in the third dimensional World.  As you begin to expand your consciousness you also begin to look at your life differently.  As a self-realised adult you begin to experience ‘problems’ in your life as initiations through which you can grow and expand your consciousness.

Many people at this time have a blocked Third Eye Chakra, choosing to stay firmly in the materialistic and physical third dimensional world.  Once you begin to open, clear and activate your Third Eye you will very quickly realise that you will no longer be so attached to this physical world.  Your awareness will expand and you will begin to understand and ‘see’ all the possibilities that are available to you.  Through this expansion you will be able to observe the outer ‘theatre’ of life through your Inner Vision giving you more understanding around the motivation behind actions.  You will begin to look within for your answers in life and will look to your outer resources for validation instead of your only source of information.

Negative aspects of an unbalanced Third Eye Chakra: You may be overly intellectual or intellectually stagnant and judgemental of others.  You may be cynical or insensitive, have rigid thought patterns and irrational fears.  You may find yourself overly detached from the World and distant from others and may display a limited view of reality.

When your Third Eye Chakra is blocked or unbalanced you can have difficulty focusing in life and struggle to detach yourself from your 3D physical World.  When you connect to and open your Third Eye Chakra, you will find that you expand your consciousness beyond the confining circle of your third dimensional self.

By developing your higher senses you are able to expand your perceptions of life.  You lift your vibration to such an extent that you no longer experience your physical life in the same way because you cannot limit your Self to living in just a 3D World. You will begin to access the world of multidimensional hearing, seeing, feeling and touching, expanding your awareness and tapping into your inner store of inspiration and enhanced creativity.

This creates shifts in your life that can include changes in your job, your friends and your relationships as you begin to attract new possibilities into your life.  You will begin to attract new job opportunities, friendships and relationships that recognise and accept the changes that have occurred within you.  You will also find that these changes also encourage others around you to look at their own lives from a different perspective, creating changes within them too.

Physical symptoms of an unbalanced Third Eye Chakra: Headaches, eye problems, nightmares, blurred vision, blockage of multidimensional senses: touch, taste, sight, hearing and smell.

The areas of the physical body that are associated with the Third Eye Chakra are: Pineal Gland, brain, eyes and sinuses.

Possible causes of problems in the Third Eye Chakra: Fear of opening up to your psychic abilities, invalidation of intuition, previous belief systems creating a fear filled environment.

Expansion of consciousness is the overriding aspect of this Chakra.  Taking you out of your 3D physical world and allowing you to recognise and move into the possibilities that are available to you through your multidimensional connections, are the domain of an open Third Eye Chakra.

Through the expansion of your third dimensional consciousness you will begin to open up and encompass a perception of the fourth dimension.  Through this perception of the fourth dimension you will begin to remember your inner travels either through sleep or meditation.  You will also learn how to integrate the inspiration, knowledge and experiences you have gained in your everyday physical life.

Taken from the Lifting Your Vibration Ecourse available here: http://www.innervisionbalance.com/courses--workshops.html


16 April 2013

Your Thoughts & How They Create Your Reality

Artist: Android Jones

Your Thoughts And How They Create Your Reality

In order to manifest the life you want and to lift your vibration, it is very important to understand the power you hold with your thoughts and how everything that you have thought in the past has created the life you have now.  Everything is energy including your thoughts.  When you focus your thoughts in a certain direction, in a repetitive way they become your reality.  In other words you create what you are thinking about.  Imagine for a second that you are out with your friends, as you enjoy the conversation that is flowing you have thoughts about everything that is said, or everything that you see.  Imagine now that as you have those thoughts and they float out of your mind, they are written in large black letters for all to see.  Would you be more careful about what you were thinking?  You can relate this to any situation you are in.  The reality is that you would be much more diligent about checking your thoughts if you knew other people could see them.  Because they are not visible it is easy to think that they have no power, but in fact the opposite is true.  Your thoughts, feelings and beliefs are extremely powerful.

To start lifting your vibration you need to start changing any negative thought patterns that you currently have.  Every thought you have from now on plays its part in what you are currently creating for your future.  Do you like the future you currently see, or would you rather change it for a different one?  If you are very good at having a positive thought process that creates what you want in life, then keep doing whatever you are doing.  But if you are not manifesting what you want in your life, you need to change your thought process from now on.

Most people are unfortunately creating circumstances in their lives that they don’t want because they are totally unaware that their thoughts, beliefs and repeat patterning processes are creating their realities.  The Universe will always support you in whatever you want to create for yourself, but it does not distinguish between negative and positive thinking.  So if you are thinking in a negative way, that is what the Universe will reflect back to you.  

Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can’t - you are right” – Henry Ford.

So now is the time to decide not to be victim of your thoughts.  You can choose to change your negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.  You can embrace this amazing power you have and use it to become more aligned with your soul self – your true self.

Now of course this is not an easy process and will take time for you to change a pattern that you may have been following for most of your life, but it can be changed.  The important thing is to be gentle with yourself, accept that you will not change overnight; but that this is your journey and you are taking the first steps necessary to change.  Do not beat yourself up if you find yourself thinking negatively about something, rather check the thought and look at where it came from.  Accept that it was there and let it go.  You also need to make sure that you are aligned in a positive way on all levels.  So make sure that your thoughts, feelings, desires and actions are all aligned to the same outcome you desire.  It is no good changing your thoughts about something, but then acting in a negative way about the same thing.

Try this exercise for one day and it will help you to change any negative thought patterning that you are currently creating in your life

  • Choose one day when you can keep your journal with you all day.  So if this is hard to do at work then choose a day off or a day on the weekend.  As you go about your day keep a check on your thoughts and write down every negative thought that you have, leaving space after each one.
  • In the evening look at each of the negative thoughts you had.  You can only change these thoughts if you are aware of them.  Some of them may surprise you, or you may realise that “yes I think that a lot”.
  • Take each negative thought and write next to it a positive thought that balances it out in your mind.  Notice whether you are replaying certain scenarios in your mind.  Notice any patterns that you are re-living again and again.  Recognising the negative thought process that you go through is an important part of being able to stop it happening in the future.
  • You should only need to do this once to begin the process of checking your thoughts.  Writing them down brings them into your physical consciousness so that you begin the process of changing them.
  • During the following days begin to get into the habit of checking your thoughts and becoming aware of any negative ones.  When you notice negativity, recognise it and look at where it is coming from.  Is it fear based?  Is from a past experience you’ve had?  Do you even know where the negativity comes from?  Ask any question around understanding why you have a negative thought about something.  Understanding where it is coming from helps to stop it happening again. 
  • Once you have recognised it as a negative thought and worked out why it came into your mind replace it with a positive thought.
  • This exercise takes time and practice, so be gentle with yourself.  If you forget to check your thoughts and then suddenly find yourself thinking in a negative way, be glad that you realised you were doing it, not angry with yourself for forgetting to do it.
Taken from Lifting Your Vibration Ecourse available at http://www.innervisionbalance.com/courses--workshops.html


14 April 2013

The Triple Goddess

Artwork by Pamela Matthews

The Triple Goddess

The Triple Goddess represents not only the three phases of a woman's life - that of Maiden, Mother and Crone, but also the three phases of the cycle of the moon.  

The Maiden is the aspect that represents the purity and innocence of childhood - the first phase of life as a woman.  She is the part of your life that celebrates a carefree time of fantasy and play when you tuned in to and was guided by your natural intuition. She has the ability to reconnect you to your youthful enthusiasm for life, to your soul’s dreams and to the magic of that time that still lies within you.  She is associated with the waxing phase of the lunar cycle – as the moon grows from dark to full.  She is the first aspect of the Triple Goddess that you hold deep within you.  Representing your profound connection to the cycles of the moon and the different stages of your life as a woman. She reminds you that you can still embrace this aspect of yourself.  That during the time, before the full moon, you can tune in to and reconnect to this part of you that you may have forgotten.  That she can bring these qualities back in to your life to empower you at this time.  She also reminds you to look after the magical child that lies within.

The Mother is the aspect that represents the woman on the verge of motherhood - the second phase of life as a woman.  She is the part of your life that celebrates a time when you embrace your nurturing abilities of devotion, patience and unconditional love. She has the ability to connect you to this time when you can experience fertility through abundance, growth and the gaining of knowledge through motherhood.  It is a time in your life when you can gain fulfillment through your sexuality, both socially and emotionally.  She is associated with the full moon phase of the lunar cycle - as the moon reaches it's full capacity.  She is the second aspect of the Triple Goddess that you hold deep within you.  She reminds you that during the time of the full moon, you should celebrate your fertility - your unique ability as a woman to give life. Even if you have decided not to become a mother in this lifetime, or you have moved on into the next phase of womanhood, you can still celebrate this uniqueness within you.

The Crone is the aspect that represents the woman who has gained much wisdom through her life experiences - the third phase of life as a woman.  She is the part of you that celebrates a time when you have left your child-bearing days behind you and moved into a time of leadership and knowledge.  She has the ability to connect you to this power even though you may not have reached this stage physically yet.  She is associated with the waning phase of the lunar cycle - as the moon moves from light to dark.  She is the third aspect of the Triple Goddess that you hold deep within you. She reminds you that you are a powerful and wise woman who can now share her knowledge with those that she loves.  She also reminds you that you are a vibrant, sexual, life embracing woman who can now give back to society by teaching all that she has learnt throughout her lifetime.


Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra
Activating Colour: Blue
Element: Ether
Location: Front of throat
Aspect: “I Speak”

The Throat Chakra is the fifth of the seven main Chakras.  It is situated in the front of your throat between your shoulders and neck and is associated with the colour blue and the element of ether.  The Throat Chakra is associated with the energies of communication and self expression.  Once the lower Chakras have been cleared of blockages, an activation of the Heart Chakra takes place, and this allows you to move forward into a state of clear communication with your Higher Self and other people.

Positive aspects of a balanced Throat Chakra: Good communication and positive interaction with others, ability to express feelings through words, you are creative and inspired, have fluent thought, authenticity in Self, an ability to listen, and are open to guidance from Higher Self.

The Throat Chakra starts to develop at age 7, continuing until around age 12, and is also associated with the 7 year cycle of ages 29-35 years.  During this time of adulthood, you are developing your sense of Self so that you become fully responsible for yourself and can then build long-term relationships in your life. When your Throat Chakra is balanced you have the ability to tune in to your inner guidance which then allows you to communicate in your relationships in a healthy, authentic and intimate way.

If you have found that communication is easy for you, that you are able to express yourself in a healthy, authentic way in all your relationships, then it is likely that your Throat Chakra has developed well and is quite open.  However if you find that you struggle in some or all of your relationships to express yourself from a position of your own truth, or if you constantly hold back your words in fear of hurting or upsetting other people, then your Throat Chakra may be blocked or depleted and is not open fully.

Negative aspects of an unbalanced Throat Chakra: You will not be communicating honestly with others, may display ‘foot in mouth syndrome’ or talk too loudly and not listen to others, you may indulge in gossiping, fear judgement and be unable to receive guidance from your Higher Self.

When your Throat Chakra is blocked or unbalanced, it is impossible to communicate with others from the authentic position of your True Self.  Once you have cleared your lower Chakras and activated your Heart Chakra you can then move into the realms of your Higher/Spiritual Chakras.  This connection moves you out of the limitations set by your physical Self and into limitless possibilities of your Soul Self.   You are able to release the confinements of your physical body and can tap into the multidimensional depths of your mind and spirit.

Physical symptoms of an unbalanced Throat Chakra: Sore throats, mouth ulcers, stiff neck, swollen glands, hearing problems, jaw and teeth problems.

The areas of the physical body that are associated with the Throat Chakra are: Thyroid gland, nose, mouth, ears, bronchial, oesophagus, neck and shoulders.

Possible causes of problems in the Throat Chakra: Verbal abuse, constant shouting, refusing to speak, domination and control, excessive criticism.

Communication and self expression are the overriding aspects of this Chakra.  Without communication nothing can exist, it is the connecting principle that makes everything in life possible.  When there is no communication, you cannot sustain a healthy relationship with others or with your Self.  Healing your Throat Chakra allows you to move into a higher vibrational state that allows you to face your inner and outer conflicts to grow into your higher, creative Self.

Through self expression, your personal creativity can expand, so that you are not limited to what is socially identified as creativity.  You can regain your connection to your Creative Self and the endless possibilities that it will bring into your life.

Blessings - Fiona ♥

5 April 2013

The Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra
Activating Colour: Green
Element: Air
Location: Centre of the chest
Aspect: “I Love”

The Heart Chakra is the fourth of the seven main Chakras.  It is situated in the centre of your chest and is associated with the colour green and the element of air.  The Heart Chakra is associated with the energies of love, compassion, harmony, peace and unconditional love.  It is the centre of our being and the integration point between the upper (spiritual) and lower (physical) Chakras.

Positive aspects of a balanced Heart Chakra: Generosity, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, fulfilment, harmony, emotional balance, an ability to love your self, love of others, joy, healthy relationships, the ability to set strong healthy boundaries for yourself, peacefulness and unconditional love for all.

The Heart Chakra starts to develop at age 4, continuing until around age 7, and is also associated with the 7 year cycle of ages 22-28 years.  During your adolescent stage of life you are beginning to create your own identity often rebelling against those that have guided and loved you throughout your life so far.  Then in your twenties you are beginning to develop the qualities of wisdom, love and acceptance of self that you have received from your life until that point and are beginning to use those qualities to develop the person you wish to be in the future.

If you have experienced a very loving upbringing and have been allowed to express your love for others in whatever way felt natural to you, it is likely that your Heart Chakra has developed well and is quite open.  However, if you have experienced challenges in your life that have allowed you to lose your love of Self, or love for others, then your Heart Chakra may be blocked or has not developed fully, not allowing it to be open fully.

Negative aspects of an unbalanced Heart Chakra: You may have an inability to give or receive love, show signs of grief, feel angry, have an inability to love yourself, be judgemental and critical, suffer from depression, be indifferent in situations, have a lack of boundaries and all your love will be conditional.

When your Heart Chakra is blocked or unbalanced, it is impossible to open your heart to the feelings of unconditional love, compassion and joy or to feel totally at peace within your Self.  The Heart Chakra is all about balance.  Balance between your feminine and masculine energies (for both men and women), balance between your upper and lower Chakras and balance between your physical and spiritual aspects.

Physical symptoms of an unbalanced Heart Chakra: Heart dis-ease, lung disorders, asthma, high blood pressure, weak immune system, circulatory problems.

The areas of the physical body that are associated with the Heart Chakra are: Thymus gland, heart, lungs, respiratory system, breasts, arms, hands, blood and circulatory system.

Possible causes of problems in the Heart Chakra: Loss of a loved one, divorce, betrayal, rejection, abandonment, physical or emotional abuse, grief.

Unconditional love is the overriding aspect of this Chakra. Until you can open your heart to reach the state of being able to show unconditional love for all and everything, especially your Self, your journey towards lifting your vibration will be hindered.  Without unconditional love you are unable to expand your consciousness, limiting you to a state of separation, represented by your Ego Self.

When you can display unconditional love for all and everything, your vibration lifts you to a state of awareness that allows you to become truly objective.  From the perspective of objectivity, your sense of ‘Self’ is no longer limited to your Ego Self.  You can expand your consciousness from individual consciousness – to family consciousness – to a community consciousness – to national consciousness – to planetary consciousness.

It is at that point you become truly aware of your deep rooted connection, not only to the Earth – Gaia, but to all of humanity.  You really begin to understand that by not loving others you are indeed, not loving yourself.  And that when you harm others you are in fact, harming yourself.  You begin to open your heart to the possibilities that unconditional love can bring to you, and gain an understanding of how by changing yourself, you can ultimately begin to change humanity.

4 April 2013

The Lightbody

What Is The Lightbody?

You are surrounded by a pulsating electromagnetic energy field (aura) which encompasses your subtle energy fields, made up of your etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.  This electromagnetic field is a maze of acupuncture points, meridian channels and chakra vortices, which sustain and maintain physical and emotional wellness.  Electromagnetic currents run through your energy fields and they are currently experiencing a rapid shift in frequency due to extreme stellar activity occurring in the Universe.  And also frequency changes that are taking place on Earth at this time within the crystal properties of our planet.  These electromagnetic changes are anchoring in higher frequencies of light into the atomic levels of the body.  They are clearing energetic distortions held within the central nervous system and DNA, which in turn, purifies genetic weakness held in the etheric and cellular levels of the body.

It is through this process that the different dimensions of the Lightbody can anchor in, to enable the physical body to ascend at this time.  The Lightbody is an energy body made up of less dense matter, in other words, it contains more light.  It filters in the higher electromagnetic frequencies of light and is therefore more ethereal in nature and is not restricted or confined to our physical bodies.

The Lightbody normally filters in during the transition of life to death, enabling us to ascend into the next level of consciousness or dimension.  However at this time as the Earth begins to transcend from the third dimensional reality into the fifth dimensional reality, the Lightbody system is beginning to anchor into the physical anatomy before we die.  As we begin to work with and master the anchoring of our Lightbody over time, we will slowly begin to lengthen our lifespan and begin to interconnect with other levels of consciousness and realities within other dimensions.

It has already been established in medical science that we currently only use around 25% of our physical 12 strand DNA.  Through the realigning, reconnecting and activating of the DNA strands that we currently do not use, we can begin to move towards a heightened state of consciousness.  Beyond (but parallel to) this physical 12 strand DNA system exists another etheric ten strands of DNA that are related to the Lightbody system.  As we begin to activate and integrate into our physical bodies each strand of the physical 12 strand DNA, each one of the 10 parallel strands will begin to activate on an etheric level. As we begin to master our own self-healing process, anchor in our Lightbody system and lift our vibration to a level of sustaining enough light to exist more and more within the fifth dimension, we will begin to activate our thymus – the core of our immune system and vital for our healing.  This activation begins a process of recoding our DNA – effectively remodeling our bodies at a cellular level.

It is through this process of anchoring in our Lightbody that we will begin to live within a higher level of consciousness allowing us to exist in our third dimensional reality whilst connecting to and relating with other dimensions.

30 March 2013

Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra
Activating Colour: Yellow
Element: Fire
Location: Above The Navel & Below The Ribcage
Aspect: “I Will”

The Solar Plexus Chakra is the third of the seven main Chakras.  It is situated between the belly button and the bottom of the rib cage and is associated with the colour yellow and the element of fire.  The Solar Plexus Chakra is linked to your will power and ego.  As we begin to create the life of our dreams (Root Chakra), through balancing of our emotions (Sacral Chakra) we move forward in an empowered way (Solar Plexus Chakra).

The Solar Plexus Chakra is the energy centre that we can physically ‘feel’ more than any of the others.  You can feel this Chakra when you have a gut feeling about something.  If you place your hand over it you can feel a knot there if you are upset or stressed in any way.  It is your centre of gravity and strength.

Positive aspects of a balanced Solar Plexus Chakra: You have a healthy Personal Power Centre, and have an ability to manifest your needs. Your self esteem is healthy, and you are able to set your boundaries and speak your own truth.  You display confidence without being domineering, show responsibility and intelligence and you are assertive in your leadership.

The Solar Plexus Chakra starts to develop at 18 months of age continuing until around age 4, and is also associated with the 7 year cycle of ages 15-21 years.  It is during these years that you really begin to develop your personality and feelings.  You start school and move away from the constant influence of your own family and begin interacting with other influences in your life such as teachers, friends and your friends’ family’s.  As you grow through the younger years into adolescence you become increasingly aware of how different you are to your parents, driving you to find your own sense of identity within the family.

If you were lucky enough to have parents that were connected to their own power centres, and loved, protected and encouraged you in your development, you will probably have a well balanced Solar Plexus Chakra.  However if your parents gave their own power away and were fearful, angry or felt like victims in society, it is likely your Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked or unbalanced.

Negative aspects of an unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra: You will suffer from low self esteem and may have an oversensitivity to criticism.  You may be overbearing, domineering or arrogant.  You may also feel powerless in situations and are happy to turn decisions over to others instead of taking responsibility for them yourself.  You will suffer from energy depletion and may be reliant on the use of sedatives or stimulants. Depression is also a key physical symptom when this Chakra is unbalanced.

When your Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked or unbalanced, your ego takes control.  If your Root and Sacral Chakras are unbalanced as well this will create aggressive behaviours within your psyche.  You can become domineering and need to control those around you.  If you can expand this outwards and think of it on a global scale, it is easy to understand how humanity has created so much greed and war within the world.  So many people at this time have unbalanced Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras that living in times of war or greed has become accepted as ‘normal’ as we suppress our connection to our True Selves and take on these lower vibrational energies.

To be able to move forward on your journey of lifting your vibration it is necessary to not only balance your Root and Sacral Chakras, but to also clear your Solar Plexus Chakra.  By working on your Personal Power Centre and creating a strong connection to your True Self, you will continue forward on this journey.

Physical symptoms of an unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra: Adrenal imbalances, digestive disorders, stomach ulcers, diabetes, arthritis, liver and gall bladder problems, chronic fatigue syndrome.

The areas of the physical body that are associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra are: adrenal glands, liver, spleen, gall bladder, small intestines, stomach, pancreas.

Possible causes of problems in the Solar Plexus Chakra: Domineering relationships, physical and emotional abuse, authoritarianism.

Inner Strength is the overriding aspect of this Chakra.  Reconnecting to your intuition and inner guidance and a quietening of your mind is required to move forward.  When you begin the process of noticing how your Ego Self takes control of any situation that comes up in your life, and then take the necessary action to stop those thoughts controlling the outcome, you will begin to change any repeat patterning processes you have been experiencing.  Then you begin to allow a connection to your True Self, and let your inner guidance come through.  You will begin to make the choices in your life that are right for you, that will ultimately lead you to the life that you want to create for yourself.  You will be standing in your own power, manifesting your true wishes and will feel calm, peaceful, happy and clear about your life.

Blessings Fiona