14 April 2013

Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra
Activating Colour: Blue
Element: Ether
Location: Front of throat
Aspect: “I Speak”

The Throat Chakra is the fifth of the seven main Chakras.  It is situated in the front of your throat between your shoulders and neck and is associated with the colour blue and the element of ether.  The Throat Chakra is associated with the energies of communication and self expression.  Once the lower Chakras have been cleared of blockages, an activation of the Heart Chakra takes place, and this allows you to move forward into a state of clear communication with your Higher Self and other people.

Positive aspects of a balanced Throat Chakra: Good communication and positive interaction with others, ability to express feelings through words, you are creative and inspired, have fluent thought, authenticity in Self, an ability to listen, and are open to guidance from Higher Self.

The Throat Chakra starts to develop at age 7, continuing until around age 12, and is also associated with the 7 year cycle of ages 29-35 years.  During this time of adulthood, you are developing your sense of Self so that you become fully responsible for yourself and can then build long-term relationships in your life. When your Throat Chakra is balanced you have the ability to tune in to your inner guidance which then allows you to communicate in your relationships in a healthy, authentic and intimate way.

If you have found that communication is easy for you, that you are able to express yourself in a healthy, authentic way in all your relationships, then it is likely that your Throat Chakra has developed well and is quite open.  However if you find that you struggle in some or all of your relationships to express yourself from a position of your own truth, or if you constantly hold back your words in fear of hurting or upsetting other people, then your Throat Chakra may be blocked or depleted and is not open fully.

Negative aspects of an unbalanced Throat Chakra: You will not be communicating honestly with others, may display ‘foot in mouth syndrome’ or talk too loudly and not listen to others, you may indulge in gossiping, fear judgement and be unable to receive guidance from your Higher Self.

When your Throat Chakra is blocked or unbalanced, it is impossible to communicate with others from the authentic position of your True Self.  Once you have cleared your lower Chakras and activated your Heart Chakra you can then move into the realms of your Higher/Spiritual Chakras.  This connection moves you out of the limitations set by your physical Self and into limitless possibilities of your Soul Self.   You are able to release the confinements of your physical body and can tap into the multidimensional depths of your mind and spirit.

Physical symptoms of an unbalanced Throat Chakra: Sore throats, mouth ulcers, stiff neck, swollen glands, hearing problems, jaw and teeth problems.

The areas of the physical body that are associated with the Throat Chakra are: Thyroid gland, nose, mouth, ears, bronchial, oesophagus, neck and shoulders.

Possible causes of problems in the Throat Chakra: Verbal abuse, constant shouting, refusing to speak, domination and control, excessive criticism.

Communication and self expression are the overriding aspects of this Chakra.  Without communication nothing can exist, it is the connecting principle that makes everything in life possible.  When there is no communication, you cannot sustain a healthy relationship with others or with your Self.  Healing your Throat Chakra allows you to move into a higher vibrational state that allows you to face your inner and outer conflicts to grow into your higher, creative Self.

Through self expression, your personal creativity can expand, so that you are not limited to what is socially identified as creativity.  You can regain your connection to your Creative Self and the endless possibilities that it will bring into your life.

Blessings - Fiona ♥

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